Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics Workshop
Workshop Resources
For workshop participants
Note: some materials in this section are from the 2019 workshop and have not yet been updated
Installing and using R
Need help using R?
List of R packages you need to install on your computer (this list is still evolving):
- MCMCglmm
- MasterBayes
- ggplot2
- plyr
- rgl
- car
- akima
- OUwie
- corhmm
- phytools
- ape
- geiger
- nlme
- bayou
- geomorph
How to get ready for the workshop!
Read about Steve Arnold’s forthcoming book, “Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics”, and see animations of figures
Matrix Algebra Tutorials
- Wikipedia page for “Matrix_(mathematics)” which is here.
- Matrix algebra tutorial for Exercise 1.2 which is here.
For lecturers
Editing lecture or exercise web pages, adding new ones, posting files (a brief guide)